Melbourne Massage and Treatment

At Melbourne Massage and Treatment, Giovanni a Clinical Myotherapist, specializes in movement therapy, Lymphatic System Treatment, and Massage.

Come to experience the difference in personalized care.

Where it all began.

Here is Giovanni with Pichest Boonthumme, Thai Teacher in Chiang Mai.
Giovanni start studying with Pichest, in March 2018 and since then he went back to Thailand several time till November 2022.

Pichest has been an absolute inspiration for Giovanni regarding the benefits of movement, mindfulness and exercises as a healing practice.

Ajhan Pichest Boonthumme (19-6-1958 – 21-8-2023, Chiang Mai)

Pichet Boonthumme and Giovanni

The Melbourne Massage and Treatment Vision

My Goal at Melbourne Massage and Treatment is to provide second to no one, massage treatment with the goal of enhancing your body’s range of motion, mindfulness, and general well-being.

Massage and its Benefits

All Melbourne Massage and Treatment’s services are a great way to reduce stress and body ache. As discussed in this peer-review article, massage therapy is a great way to decrease pain in the general population. Here is the complete list of services available at Melbourne Massage and Treatment:

All those services aim to relax the body and improve body awareness. In doing so, we can reduce your body ache and pain in everyday life and during your sports training.

What Melbourne Massage and Treatment services can help with?

• Head Ache  Sore muscle  Joint pain • Plantar fasciitis • Sciatica Pain  • Carpal Tunnel  Tendinopathy Neck Pain  Back Pain   Swelling  Post-surgery recovery (MLD) Frozen Shoulder Lymphoedema Lipedema Exercises Rehabilitation and more.

Book now and come to discover the difference in personalised care!
Giovanni using his elbow to give a remedial massage

Melbourne Massage and Treatment available in Fitzroy North

Melbourne Massage and Treatment services are now available on 1/175 Holden St, Fitzroy North, 3068. Here is where the healing happens. The Fitzroy North Massage studio is within walking distance from St George Rd. You can reach it by public transport, near Trams 11 and 96, or bus 250 or 251 . If you prefer to drive, then along Holden St, and the surrounding lanes, has plenty of car-park spots. Just keep an eye on permit zone, or time for parking.

Private Health Insurance Rebate and NDIS

Private Health Insurance and NDIS Rebates are available at Melbourne Massage and Treatment for Myotherapy, Remedial Massage and MLD services. The rebate percentage is based on your agreement with your private health insurance provider.

Contact Giovanni now, to find out what service could work best for you!
Giovanni showing how to do exercises to a patient


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