MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) | MLD Melbourne
MLD is a pain-free technique that works on the lymphatic system, increasing its capacity and helping the body to heal more quickly.
MLD is a pain-free technique that works on the lymphatic system, increasing its capacity and helping the body to heal more quickly.
MLD stands for Manual Lymphatic Drainage, a manual technique developed in the early 20th century by Dr. Emil Vodder and his wife, Dr. Estrid Vodder in Europe.
Manual lymphatic drainage is a pain-free, non-invasive technique.
Compared with Deep Tissue work, MLD doesn’t use deep pressures that aim to reproduce the ache sensation, even though it is highly relaxing.
When offering an MLD treatment, Giovanni would lightly stretch your skin and let it recoil.
The Lymphatic System gets directly affected by this skin stimulus and starts working harder and faster by collecting more waste around the body.
The Lymphatic System would then release the collected liquid into the bloodstream at the high of your Throat; therefore, the first Lymphatic System body area to get stimulated is your cervical.
By doing so, any liquid collected has a place to run towards.
Dermatological such as:
• Eczema • Acne • Skin Burn • Scar Therapy • Swelling
Musculoskeletal Injuries such as:
• Acute injuries • Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis • Hip/Shoulder chronic conditions • Neck Pain • Pain Management • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) • Fibromyalgia
• Lymphoedema • Lipedema • Sinusitis – frontal/maxillar • Hay fever • Rhinitis • Tinnitus (Ear) • Meniere’s Disease (hearing/balance) • Puffy eyes
Here is a link to a study published on that talks about how MLD in Vodder Style can help reduce oedema on hand after a distal radius fracture.
After undergoing a cancer surgery, if Lymph Nodes are removed, there is a risk of developing Lymphoedema which is chronic condition characterized by sever limb/s swelling that if not looked after, can lead to fibrosis accumulation, skin infections and other severe skin pathologies.
MLD and CDT (Complete Deceptiveness Therapy) are highly recommended to manage the presentation. Learn more about this topic on the Lymphoedema page.
Yes, it is. Indeed, another vital aspect of Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the deep relaxation status it can create.
It may be hard to believe, but no relaxation massage would relax you more than Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
Regarding Giovanni’s qualifications, he holds certification for Lymphoedema and CDT therapy and certificate for Applied MLD, both completed with the Vodder Academy.
Not only adults suffer from severe conditions such as bond fractures, open wounds, scar tissue, oedema, sunburn, and twisted ankle.
Giovanni offers MLD even to underage clients.
Said so, the presence of the parents or a guardian is always required. Giovanni holds a Work With Children Card valid for Australia.
Even though MLD can help with so many conditions, there is a list of contraindications to consider.
Absolute Contraindications
• Acute inflammation with infection • Untreated thrombus • Untreated Cancer • Congestive heart failure
Relative Contraindications
• Chronic inflammation • Treated thrombus • Treated Cancer • Asthma • Hypo/Hyperthyrodism • Pregnancy • Menstruation • Nevus • Hx of tuberculosis • Hypertension/Diabetes
If you have any enquiries or questions, don’t hesitate to contact Giovanni by visiting the Contact Page.