Tow hands doing Manual Lymphatic Drainage on one hand

Lipedema Melbourne

Lipedema is a medical condition that results in severe swelling, bilaterally and symmetrically, in arms, legs, or other body parts. About one out of 10 women worldwide is affected by this condition.

To know more about how Giovanni can assist you with your Lipedema, book a 15-minute free phone consultation.

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What are the characteristics of Lipedema?

Lipedema is a chronic condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fat in the body, particularly in the legs, which often leads to a distinctive shape that differs from typical obesity.
The distinctive characteristics are a disproportionate swelling distribution, where the end part of the limbs and feet are relatively unaffected, and a tendency for the affected areas to be tender or painful to the touch. Other symptoms involve swelling, bruising, and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. Unlike Lymphedema, lipedema does not typically involve lymph node dysfunction but can coexist with it, making accurate diagnosis and management essential. Along it’s progress, it can lead to mobility issues and emotional distress, underscoring the importance of early intervention and support.

How can MLD help?

As describe already in the MLD page, Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle non invasive technique that is used to stimulate the lymphatic system.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) can be beneficial for individuals with lipedema by promoting lymphatic flow and reducing swelling in the affected areas. While lipedema primarily involves an abnormal fat distribution, MLD helps alleviate some of the discomfort associated with the condition. It can enhance circulation, reduce pain and tenderness, and promote a sense of relaxation. Additionally, MLD may help mitigate the risk of developing Lymphedema, as it encourages the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. By incorporating MLD into a comprehensive treatment plan, patients can experience improved mobility, reduced swelling, and an overall enhancement in their quality of life.

MLD Rebates and Private Health Insurance

MLD treatment per lipedema is covered by private health insurance, under the extra cover for Remedial Massage or Myotherapy. The percentage of the rebate is determined by the contract you stipulated with the insurance.

Giovanni does also offer service as unregistered NDSI provider, so if you are on an NDSI plan, you would be able to claim the Giovanni’s services.

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What should I expect for my Lipedema treatment?

As per all the services offered at Melbourne Massage and Treatment, Giovanni would take care of your needs with professionalism and diligence.

Based on the level of you presentation, or the stage of Lipedema that you are in too, Giovanni may be able to assist with MLD right on the spot, or it may need to apply temporary compression, or it may need you to refer to a nurse for wound care.

Any of those steps would be explained and Giovanni would ensure to offer the best of care at any visit.

Lipedema Stages

Lipedema is a condition that if left untreated it can lead to painful and severe swelling.

An early stage (STAGE 1) of Lipedema presents with smooth skin with an increase of enlarged subcutaneous fat tissue. The fat tissue, is already building up around joint but the feet or hands still appear unaffected.
In the Stage 2 you may start notice indentation along the area that accumulated fatty tissue. The limbs are clearly bilaterally affected, and the medial or posterior side of the limb is more affected.
Stage 3 refers to when the fatty tissue is now severely enlarged, and there are exceed of fatty tissue and skin on the hip and knee area, or the upper arm, showing a disproportion in the body shape.
Stage 4 is when the lymphatic system is by then oppressed by the accumulation of fatty layer. At this stage, the presentation take the name of Lypolympheodema.
Along those different stages, MLD can always help, but along stages 1 to 3, the usage of fitted compression is heavily recommended. As per the Lymphoedema presentation, Giovanni would recommend avoiding buying the pharmacy compression, as often they would not meet your needs. They could lead to discomfort and swelling degeneration if not even skin irritation.
In stage 4, then, MLD and CDT (Complete Decongestive Therapy) take on a new level of care, which was not as much needed before as the lymphatic system was actually fully functioning.