Tow hands doing Manual Lymphatic Drainage on one hand

Lymphoedema Melbourne | Melbourne Massage and Treatment

Lymphoedema is a condition characterized by swelling, that can affect any body parts, due to the accumulation of lymph fluid. This can happen when the lymphatic system, which helps maintain fluid balance and supports the immune system, is not functioning properly.

To know more about how Giovanni can assist you with your Lymphoedema, book a 15 minutes free phone consultation.

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What can cause a Lymphoedema?

There are a series of reasons why someone can develop Lymphoedema. This presentation could have a genetic component, where the lymphatic system didn’t form properly. That’s what we refer to as Primary Lymphoedema, a mono-lateral swelling (at the leg, most often) that start distal and moves proximally (it start lower and move up).

On the other hand, infections, surgeries, specifically cancer removal, and related radiotherapy can lead to the formation of Lymphoedema and in this case, we would call it a Secondary Lymphoedema compared to the primary one, the swelling would start proximal and move distally (start at upper move lower). That said, any oedema that lasts longer than 12 months can be classified as Lymphoedema.

The skin’s characteristic of Lymphoedema

The skin in a Lymphoedema has several distinguished characteristics, and based on the typology, primary or secondary, and the time passed since the initial swelling, they may vary case by case.

The skin would initially get rigid, and an accumulation of fibery tissue could occur between the skin and the muscle layer. Along with the rigidity of the skin, there are the dangers of abrasions, which, given the rich protein fluid sitting in the edema, could get easily infected.

When the presentation reach more advanced stages, and this is again, a case by case presentation, we can observe Hyperkeratosis, Epidermal papillomatosis and hyperplasia or Telangiectatic. In some cases, before any hands-on therapy and or compression can be applied, antibiotic therapy has to be prioritised, especially if infections are already manifesting.

Lymphoedema therapy at Melbourne Massage and Treatment.

At Melbourne Massage and Treatment, in Fitzroy North, Giovanni would ensure the best of care for his patients by offering tailored treatment that best metch each individual Lymphodema presentation. Giovanni did his training with the Vodder Academy, the world leader institute for lymphatic drainage and CDT therapy.

Lymphoedema management can be divided into acute care and extended care.

For acute care, Giovanni refers to swelling reduction, which would be achieved initially by Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) treatment and Combine Decongestive Therapy (CDT), movement therapy and breathing exercises.

MLD is a hands-on treatment that can boost the movement of fluid, and CDT is a bandaging technique that would ensure constant pressure in the limb/s affected. To obtain the quickest limb size reduction, a series of daily sessions would be needed. You will receive guidance about the treatment plan along your first face to face visit. In between the visits, you will be instructed by Giovanni on movement therapy and breathing exercises that you can do to keep improving the presentation on your own time.

Past the severe swelling, we step into extended care, which aims to minimize the risk of the return of swelling. Part of the extended care includes, still movement therapy, tailored diet, skincare, and garment wear with occasional MLD session and CDT bandaging. Along with those, Giovanni can keep assist you with MLD, CDT, movement therapy, garment wear recommendations, and skin care. Still, he will gladly refer you elsewhere for services that step out of his duties, such as diet advice.

Prescriptions and cross referral with GP or other practitioners

When a lymphoedema is present, as already mentioned above, we have to be aware of the risk related to it, such as ulcers, infections, or underlying causes. The 15 min free phone call is an opportunity to start knowing how Giovanni can help you, based on your personal and close family medical history, and this time would allow you and Giovanni to understand if a referral from your GP or other practitioner is needed to proceed with the treatment, or if other interventions need to be prioritized before any Manual Lymphatic Drainage, or Bandaging are applicable.

What would be like my Lymphodema first session?

The initial face-to-face consultation for Lymphodema treatment at Melbourne Massage and Treatment is 90 minutes.

This appointment would give you and Giovanni the opportunity to revise your personal and close family medical history to evaluate in more detail the treatment plan needed to proceed with the Lymphoedema management.

Once the revised medical history is completed, objective measurement follows to draw a baseline for your presentation.

Then it is time to pass to hands-on treatment with Manual Lymphatic Drainage, where needed and possible mobilization, to improve joint mobility, which is essential to keep you mobile and functioning.

Please remember that each presentation is unique; there is no standard intervention.

Bandaging (CDT) is less likely to happen at the first appointment due to the time frame. That said, to ensure that we achieve a swelling reduction as quickly as possible, Giovanni would encourage you to book multiple appointments in close proximity, one to another, with a 22 to 26-hour gap between them. This would ensure that the limb/s swelling is under constant control and management.

Based on your presentation, follow-up treatment can run for 60 or 90 minutes. Tissue fibrosis, severe swelling, limb on which we have to work (single or multiple limbs), what limbs need bandaging (one or multiple), area radiated or that received surgery are what we always have to consider.

Lymphoedema therapy cost

90-minute initial consultation: $175

Initial consultations include a full personal and close family history review, subjective and objective evaluation (Lymphoedema measurements included), MLD treatment, and, if time allows bandaging.

60-minute return: $135

Along with follow-up appointments, we would start with feedback on the previous treatment, a quick review of the subjective presentation, hands-on treatment (MLD) and bandaging. The bandaging would need to stay till the next day, and for the best result, just before coming to the clinic, you will remove it, shower yourself, and attend the follow-up. Bandages have to be rolled up and ready to go to ensure that Giovanni has all the time needed to look after you.

Lymphoedema Private Health Insurance and NDIS

At Melbourne Massage and Treatment, you can get a private health insurance rebate for Remedial Massage and Myotherapy, which would also cover your Lymphoedema Therapy. The rebate percentage may vary based on your contract with your private health insurance. Giovanni also offers services as an unregistered NDSI provider, so you can claim Giovanni’s services if you are on an NDSI plan.