Exercises Plantar Fasciitis

In the previous post, we did look into plantar fasciitis and we only mention the Corrective Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis.

Indeed, we did get to the conclusion that Myotherapy, Remedial Massage and Thai massage can help in reducing muscle tensions, for those muscles which take part in the foot’s unbalance, and that MLD can help in reducing the pain and reducing the inflammation within the plantar itself.

What’s the role of the Corrective Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis?

Exercises are a crucial step to take for a successful healing process.

Corrective exercises for plantar fasciitis can be simply practised at home, without the aid of a personal trainer to follow you.

In fact, corrective exercises are often simple movements, that require precision more than strength.

Furthermore, is better to start slowly and gradually implement more difficult exercises and extra load.

Indeed, the corrective exercises world is a step-by-step journey.

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Corrective Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis:

Foam rolling below the foot.

  • Take a seat on a chair and start gently rolling the affected feet along on the foam roller.
  • The bigger the foam roller, the gentler the exercises, due to lower pressure.
  • If you have no foam roller, you can use a tennis ball too.
  • The aim of these exercises is to gently self-massage the plantar of the feet and stimulates blood circulation within it.

Plantar pressure with a towel.

  • Always in a seated position, roll a towel on itself, and by holding it with both hands, put the towel under the foot.
  • Start pulling the towel against the plantar of the feet
  • Pull and hold for 15 to 30 secs about

Drag the towel with the toes.plantar fasciitis exercises

  • Place a towel on the floor.
  • The backside of the towel will be right below your toes
  • Now gently, start grabbing the towel with your toes
  • These exercises will reinforce the flexors muscles of the toes, in specific Flexor hallucis longus and Flexor digitorum longus, with the aim to improve the arch below the foot

Single Calf Raise

  • For this exercise, you will need a small stool or an Aerobic Step Kit
  • Step with the front of the feet on the Areboic Step and start pushing up through the foot.
  • For safety, you may wanna hold yourself to a wall with your handsSingle calf rise exercises
  • You can start doing 1 foot at a time to increase the load.
  • These exercises would create strength in the plantar flexor muscle of your foot.
  • Along with the same muscles that do plantarflexion, there are the ones that do eversion and toes flexion too. In specific Perenous Longus, Perenous Brevis (eversion) and Flexor hallucis longus and Flexor digitorum longus (Toes flexion)
  • If you suffer from plantar fasciitis because of an excess load of the body weight on the external side of the foot, these exercises would help you in recreating balance in the body load on the foot.

Said so, those are some of the exercises that can be done.

Few more are out there.

If specific to your condition, you may want to do some exercises more than others.

Most important is to have someone diagnose you with the specification of the condition and then suggest to you what exercises are the best.

Plantar Fasciitis is a chronic condition, that with the right exercise and determination can be fixed.

If you need help with it, don’t hesitate to book now your next session with Melbourne Massage and Treatment.

And what about Orthotic Insole?

The orthotic insole can be a quick-release type of approach for foot pain.

On the other hand, orthotic insoles are most luckily the more common and misunderstood tool for foot pain. Yes, good to quickly reduce severe symptoms, but by itself is not going to fix the problem.

Indeed, before spending hundreds of dollars on Orthodics, give a fair trial to exercises.

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