Tag Archives: reduce swelling

Nervous System

nervous system components

The Nervous System (NS) controls the voluntary and automatic functions of the body. It is made up of: brain spinal cord nerves Subdivision of the Nervous System The nervous system, initially, can be divided into the Central Nervous system (CNS), which is made of the Brain and Spinal Cord and the Perhiperic Nervous System (PNS), […]

Tennis Elbow

MLD on Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow or even known as Lateral Epicondylitis, is a condition that occurs on the lateral side of the forearm, at the elbow’s high. A common cause is repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Tennis Elbow refers to how common this condition can be in tennis players. Said so, Lateral Epicondylitis is a condition […]


Lipoedema is a condition that causes excess fat to accumulate under the skin, either in the lower or upper part of the body. Said so, it is a condition that affects mainly women. It manifests itself just after hormonal changes, such as puberty, post-pregnancy or in older age, after even major surgery. The condition does […]

Muscle Tear

Muscle Tear

A muscle tear is an acute injury caused by a laceration of the muscle cells/fibres and or tendon to which the muscle is attached to. How can happen a muscle tear? A muscle tear happens when a muscle is weak and don’t activate at the right time. Weak muscles are common in repetitive movement or […]

Bone Fracture and MLD

bone fracture

As already mentioned earlier MLD is a fantastic manual technique that can be used to improve the healing of many conditions. Along with the conditions that MLD is useful for there is bone fracture. Said so, in order to understand how MLD can help to speed up the recovery from a bone fracture we have […]

Sunburn and MLD

Sunburn on back

MLD and Sunburn. As already mentioned earlier, MLD stands for Manual Lymphatic Drainage and is a great technique to treat sunburn. Indeed MLD is a technique that works with a gentle touch and has a multitude of benefits, including the healing from sunburn. Firstly, we analyse what sunburn is about. So, a sunburn is the […]

Music and Massage

Fip logo music for massage

Massage and music at Melbourne Thai Treatment Studio. Music is such an important part of receiving and giving a massage. As our body gets stimulated from the touch of the practitioner, music can tune in with the healing touch and create a different atmosphere. Said so, I never found it too hard to choose what […]

Pain and MLD

MLD on Lower Leg

MLD and Pain. As previously mentioned, MLD is a massage technique pain-free. This is one of the reasons that makes it so special. It doesn’t matter where the technique is applied, the touch has to be so light, that the patient doesn’t have to feel any pain. And believe it or not, MLD can be […]

The importance of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Giovanni giving MLD on patient's calf

Manual Lymphatic Drainage if used along the correct type of condition, is a safe and well utile manual therapy. In the previous two blogs (Link 1, Link 2) I described how the Lymphatic System works and its relation to MLD. What body find benefit from Manual Lymphatic Drainage? As previously mentioned, the lymphatic system is […]



MLD stands for Manual Lymphatic Drainage. As per a deep tissue massage, MLD treatment works on the lymphatic system and not the musculoskeletal system. This technique aims to boost the capacity and ability of the lymphatic system. Manual Lymphatic Drainage history. MLD is a technique implemented by Dr Vodder and his wife, Estrid Vodder, with […]

September Wellness Month - 15% Off

For September, 15% off your first Massage or Treatment!

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