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Tag Archives: Dry needling

Tennis Elbow

MLD on Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow or even known as Lateral Epicondylitis, is a condition that occurs on the lateral side of the forearm, at the elbow’s high. A common cause is repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Tennis Elbow refers to how common this condition can be in tennis players. Said so, Lateral Epicondylitis is a condition […]


A Hand inserting needle in to a forearm for a dry needling session

Myotherapy is a massage technique to treat or prevent soft tissue pain and restricted joint movement. “Myotherapy” stands for “Myo” Muscle “Therapy” therapy. In Australia, and specifically in Melbourne, it is a practice that took over the massage market in the last few decades and is not becoming more and more popular. There is Dry […]

Dry Needling

Dry needling session on the patient's back

Myofascial Dry Needling (MDN) treats sore muscles and trigger points. How does Dry Needling work? As discussed in another blog post, muscles are made of many individual fibres. As the fibre contract and stretches, this does give the muscle the ability to have strength and elasticity. Along with repetitive movements and lack of posture, the […]

Tmj and MLD

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint is bilaterally located on the side of the human head. TMJ and Movement Upper Compartment Protrusion Retrusion Lower Compartment Lower the Jaw Raise the Jaw Lateral Deviation Said so: the opening is the combination of Protrusion plus Lowering the Jaw closing the mouth is Retrusion plus Raising the Jaw. TMJ and […]