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Tag Archives: exercises

Water after a massage

Water after a massage. Have you ever noticed that after a massage you feel thirsty and depending on the treatment you may have an urgency to go to the toilet? Well, massages are diuretics, that’s why. Indeed, independently of the type of treatment that you receive, whether is MLD, Remedial Massage, or Thai Massage, the […]

Music and Massage

Fip logo music for massage

Massage and music at Melbourne Thai Treatment Studio. Music is such an important part of receiving and giving a massage. As our body gets stimulated from the touch of the practitioner, music can tune in with the healing touch and create a different atmosphere. Said so, I never found it too hard to choose what […]

Muscle Firing Pattern

walking beatles

Muscle Firing pattern Muscle firing pattern is the sequence in which muscle should get activated to complete an action or movement. Whenever we move a joint, is not just 1 muscle to do that action there are multiple numbers of muscles that allow the action to happen, and other multiple numbers of muscles counterbalance that […]

Exercises for Upper Cross Syndrome

Seating straight

Exercises for Upper Cross Syndrome As previously mentioned, the UCS is caused by a constant habit of poor posture, to achieve a correct posture on top of massage therapy, we would need to do exercises for Upper cross syndrome. So, there are 2 main groups of muscle that we want to target. 1st group, the […]