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Tag Archives: pain

Muscle Firing Pattern

walking beatles

Muscle Firing pattern Muscle firing pattern is the sequence in which muscle should get activated to complete an action or movement. Whenever we move a joint, is not just 1 muscle to do that action there are multiple numbers of muscles that allow the action to happen, and other multiple numbers of muscles counterbalance that […]

Lower Back Pain

lower back pain

Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is a condition which can deliver lots of stress and can affect our daily habits. It can be a terrible experience to live, as it can make many tasks difficult or impossible to take. Here below you will find a series of questions and answers in regard to my […]

Exercises for Upper Cross Syndrome

Seating straight

Exercises for Upper Cross Syndrome As previously mentioned, the UCS is caused by a constant habit of poor posture, to achieve a correct posture on top of massage therapy, we would need to do exercises for Upper cross syndrome. So, there are 2 main groups of muscle that we want to target. 1st group, the […]