Barefoot shoes are now becoming more and more popular. One of the main reasons why this is happening, I believe is the spreading idea that having the feet, seated in a tight box all day, is not so beneficial. So, what can be beneficial about going around barefoot? Or having barefoot shoes? Well, the foot is made up of 20 muscles, and 30 ligaments. That’s a lot for such a small body portion. Now, in order to have those muscles working and the ligaments playing their function, to hold the joint together and allow the joint stability to be efficient, both those 2 groups of body connective fibres have to be stimulated. So, that’s where the tight box fails. Having rigid shoes on all day, with or without a high heel, is not supportive, it is actually numbing the muscles. Said so, it is true that shoes can protect the feet from damage. In certain environments, shoes, especially rigid protective shoes are mandatory, like in the construction industry or in a factory. But even through that, we don’t spend all day at work, isn’t it? Are you saying that barefoot wearing is for everyone? No, I am not saying that. There are specific conditions, that may not allow you to wear barefoot shoes. But, if you are in doubt about what’s the right thing to do, I would get in touch with a podiatrist, and he specific if you are in Melbourne I would contact Andy. I did that myself. My journey actually started in 2018 when I was in Thailand studying with Pichest. He always points out students about their feet and wrinkled toes. He would refer to shoes and Sox as cages for feet. In Thailand, there is no need for shoes, as is really hot, he would be barefoot or use flip-flops all day. ( I then realise that not even flip flop is a solution, anyway). Said so, once I left Chiang Mai back then I did decide to start using sandals all year round. Even though I have to say that occasionally in winter, I did wear closed shoes. The years did pass by and I did notice my pinky toes were not changing shape after all these years compared to the other 4 toes. The pinky toes were still seating quite close to the 4th toes and would not go out straight. Simultaneously, my Instagram account did start to come up more frequently with posts of barefoot shoes and barefoot sandals. From there then, I did realise that wearing sandals with a narrow front was not going to make much of a difference. Also, the sandals I was wearing, were quite rigid anyway. So that would basically not make much difference for my foot, I found out later. How did I get to wear barefoot shoes? That’s when I went to see Andy, in Feb ’22. Andy is a really carrying and smiling man. I like his approach to the question I was asking and took a quiet pragmatic approach to my feet/body presentation. After several assessments on the spot, I was told that wearing barefoot was not going to be a problem. And actually, another thing that I was told was that my left foot, which is flat compared to the right was not a problem either. And that was the main reason I went to see Andy actually. To find out how I could fix that flat foot. And with my surprise, I was told that flat foot is there because the body compensates for structural scoliosis. So If I was going to change my left foot shape, probably I would create an issue then in my back or hip. In conclusion, since Feb 22 I start wearing barefoot shoes. I did opt for Vivo barefoot. So far, can’t complain. I can see my feet changing shape, and even when I go for hikes and long walks I have no foot pain or discomfort. I don’t see myself going back to wearing conventional shoes any soon. And since then I start recommending to my client too about barefoot wearing. I always suggest them having a chat with Andy or a podiatrist who can see the potential of barefoot wearing, and for those who took up the change, so far, haven’t heard any complaints but only good stories. Another way to dig more about barefoot wear is also visiting SoleMechainc, a shoe shop down in Hampton, where you can find a broad range of barefoot wear and fantastic client service. In conclusion, if you are foot is in pain, massage therapy would still help. But as often happen, massage therapy by itself is not enough, so exercise, and change habits.
Monthly Archives: July 2022
Muscle and Tendon are two types of fibres that connect bonds, allowing the joint to be moved by contracting or extending. Muscles and Tendons characteristics. A muscle consists of fibres of muscle cells covered by fascia, bundled with many more fibres, surrounded by thick protective tissue. So each muscle fibre is covered in the fascia, then wrapped as a whole muscle in more fascia. A tendon is a high-tensile-strength band of dense fibery connective tissue. Indeed tendons can transmit the mechanical forces of muscle to the skeletal system. Tendons, as per ligaments, are made of collagen fibres. Compared to a tendon, a muscle is elastic and sits in between 2 tendons parts which keep the muscle itself connected to bonds. So yes, muscles are not directly connected to bond themself. Luckily, there is to say, because if this was the case, it would be really easy to suffer from injuries like a muscle tear. Said so, it is now easy to understand that tendons are capable of holding more force. Injury type Due to the consistency of the tendon and its functionality, we can now understand why a tendon tear or rupture is a severe injury that requires surgical intervention and months of rehabilitation. On the other hand, often, after months of rehabilitation, still, the tendon would not go back to its original state. A common tendon rupture is Achille’s tendon. Achille’s tendon connects the lower part of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus to the foothill. Repetitive movement and repetitive partial load on this tendon are the leading cause of injury. Healthy muscle and tendon Simple and gentle exercises are a good way to keep your muscle and tendon out of trouble. The key points of these types of exercises are: Consistency Resisted load (by using rubber bands) Starting with light weight to then building up with time heavier load Good posture doing the exercises Have a day of rest from exercises once a week Avoid exercises that aggravate your pain. Said so, other critical points for muscle and tendons good health seating into: Having a good night’s rest Eating more fresh food than overprocessed food Regarding recovery from an injury, as previously mentioned in the ice pack and/or heat pack posts, the usage of temperature is recommended based on the stage of the injury and the pain experienced with it. Even though on an inflamed tendon, never apply a heat pack. Are you in need of treatment? Don’t look any further, and book your initial consultation by clicking here.
In a previous blog, we did talk about heat packs, now it is time to talk about the Ice Pack. Ice pack application, in the last few years, is a practice that got reviewed. What Ice Pack is about? An Ice pack, as the name says, is a cold (icy) bag. As better explained in this study an ice pack is something that can be applied to an acute injury, to prevent swelling and reduce pain, but it can’t be used for too long. As per the heat pack, an Ice Pack burn the skin, and that’s one reason why its usage has to be short (10 to 15mins at a time). In addition, extended exposure to icy temperatures, would reduce the blood flow around the injured tissue and can also damage nerves. Ice Pack usage recommendation: You have a new injury or aggravation of an existing condition, and the pain is above 7 out of 10. Where you want to minimize swelling to keep you mobile later. There are different types of Ice packs: Home-made one, ice from the freezer wrapped in a towel. Gel pack Ice Bag (as per the photo) Instant one – most of the time found in the first aid kit. Snap it and a chemical reaction would occur in the bag and freeze the bag. Those last ones are efficient as you can store them anywhere safely and use them as you need them. The cold lasts for about 20 minutes. Not to be used if they are broken. On the other hand, if you running out of ideas of what to use as a Cold pack, you can even use a bag of frozen food. Still would do the work. We have the ice bath and the cold show related to this topic. I did experience cold showers myself, most of the time not of my choice, but because of a limited supply of hot water, and I have to say that even on this topic, there are a series of debates on how that works and if it’s beneficial. So far, a cold shower, compared to a hot shower, is better for dry skin. This is because the heat of the water combined with soap can wash away the good oils of the skin. Then the benefit of an Ice bath can be more of a placebo effect. But again, I haven’t done much digging about myself, so I would stay out of any comment regarding it. Ice pack after a Massage? Well, as mentioned above, the usage of Ice Pack is suggested after an acute injury. So, either after a Remedial Massage or a Thai Massage, firstly there should be no acute injury, secondly, you want the blood flow along the worked area to stay active and not restricted. That’s why a heat pack would be more recommended. If you find this helpful information and need a massage, book your next session here.
Applying a heat pack or cold pack to the body after an injury or when we are in pain is a widespread practice. In this post, we are going to look into Heat Pack. What is a Heat Pack? A Heat Pack is a heat source, most often made from a fabric bag containing grains (like wheat or barley) that get placed in the microwave for 1 or 2 minutes (or till it is warm enough). What are the benefits of a Heat Pack? Stimulate the blood flow around the painful or restricted area. Improve mobility Pain Relief How does a Heat Pack work? When applying an H.P., the blood vessels beneath the tissue dilate, consequentially increasing blood flow. As a result, more healing elements such as oxygen, vitamins, minerals and so on can reach the area needing attention. On the other hand, heat is a short-term solution for releasing tensions. In the longer-term, massage therapy such as Remedial Massage, Thai Massage, Myotherapy, or MLD would be recommended. I still recommend that my clients use the heat pack momentarily and occasionally, even after the treatment, when they present with a poor Range Of Motion. For how long should I use it? 15 to 20 minutes at a time is enough. Why not for longer? Firstly you can burn your skin. That’s even why as a massage therapist, I recommend anyone to place a towel over the skin before applying a heat pack. Secondly, with a heat source, as the vessels stay dilated for a long period of time, more inflammatory cells can reach the sore area. This would make the situation worst than better. What type of HP are there? Fabric one staffed with grains. Heat patch Hot Bottle Wet bag The wheat bag is most often found in clinic settings. Are bags containing a gel, and it sits all the time in hot water. For home use, a fabric one does the job. You can heat it in the microwave or the oven. In any case, handle it with care, as it can get really hot. When to use and heat pack? You have low-level pain, like 1 to out of 10 You have joint stiffness and pour mobility You have muscle tightness that limits your mobility
A muscle tear is an acute injury caused by a laceration of the muscle cells/fibres and or tendon to which the muscle is attached to. How can happen a muscle tear? A muscle tear happens when a muscle is weak and don’t activate at the right time. Weak muscles are common in repetitive movement or when a muscle overcompensates due to a fragile pattern. For example, tearing a hamstring is expected when the Gluteal Firing pattern is incorrect. This type of injury is common in sports activities. Still, it can also happen within a home environment by lifting a box incorrectly or during garden activities. The three grades of muscle tear. Grade 1 muscle tear is the mildest one. As per this case, only a few muscle cells have been torn. Symptoms are like: mild pain, moderate swelling, none or light bruising. In grade 2, a moderate amount of muscle cells have been damaged. Symptoms are like: Bruising is now more evident as per the swelling You must luckily hear a sound as the tear happens More severe pain, especially when trying to use that muscle. Grade 3 is the worst-case scenario. In grade 3 muscle tear, the muscle has fully torn. Still, a pop or a sound would happen as the tear happens. On the opposite side of where the muscle did lacerate, you will notice a bulge as the muscle coiled up after tearing. Weakness in using the limb where the muscle got torn. In case of a Grade 3 muscle tear, surgery is needed to reattach the muscle. How to treat a muscle tear? The immediate appliance of heat or cold packs is highly debated. A cold pack would numb the area and help with the pain symptoms. As mentioned in the “Ice Pack” blog post, that is actually recommended. On the other hand, a heat pack would help stimulate blood circulation in the affected area, reduce swelling, and boost recovery. It’s important to note that applying a heat pack too soon after an injury can actually make things worse. It’s best to wait until the acute phase has passed, which typically takes around 48 hours. At that point, heat therapy can be a helpful way to alleviate pain and promote healing. Regarding massage treatments, MLD can be the only technique used as soon as the tear happens. Indeed MLD would be highly recommended for boosting the recovery, especially in case of a tear in 3rd grade, where operation is needed. In case of a 3rd-grade muscle tear, the first thing to do is see a doctor. Other massage techniques, such as Myotherapy, Remedial Massage and Thai Massage, are still valuable for muscle tears. On the other hand, either Myotherapy, Remedial or Thai Massage can only be practised after 48 hours of rest are passed after the incidents. Indeed that 48 h is considered the acute phase of the muscle tear. How to prevent a muscle tear? More the body moves, the less the chance of injury. Making sure to do simple exercises involving basic body movement can help in muscle tear prevention. but not only. Keeping the joint moving is another essential aspect of injury prevention. How can massage help? Along with a massage treatment, the area of focus will be the torn muscle and surrounding area. Initially, the technique used with a massage treatment, especially for the injured area, would be MFTT and passive movement/mobilisation. That would help muscle recovery and facilitate joint mobility, reducing the muscle’s load. Going ahead with the treatments, techniques such as MET, a resisted muscle force technique, can be used. This would allow the muscle to gain elasticity. Book your next session by clicking here if you are suspicious of a muscle tear and need treatment.