Tag Archives: massage history

Ice Pack

Ice pack

In a previous blog, we did talk about heat packs, now it is time to talk about the Ice Pack. Ice pack application, in the last few years, is a practice that got reviewed. What Ice Pack is about? An Ice pack, as the name says, is a cold (icy) bag. As better explained in […]

Scap-Off Load

Scap Off Load Remedial Massage SetUp

A Scap-Off Load is a special test or functional test that we use to evaluate the implication of Lev Scapular and Up. Trap in Cercival Rotation. As previously mentioned, in cervical rotation, we got a fair bit of muscle working towards this action. As many clients come in with cervical pain, it’s time to explain […]

Bone Fracture and MLD

bone fracture

As already mentioned earlier MLD is a fantastic manual technique that can be used to improve the healing of many conditions. Along with the conditions that MLD is useful for there is bone fracture. Said so, in order to understand how MLD can help to speed up the recovery from a bone fracture we have […]

Range of Motion

Range of Motion Cervical Lateral Felxion

Range of Motion is the movement of a joint within a 3-dimensional space. For each joint, we expect a minimum and a maximum degree of movement. When to use a range of motion evaluation. Before performing a Myotherapy, Remedial Massage, or a Thai massage session, we check for a Range of Motion, also know as […]

Music and Massage

Fip logo music for massage

Massage and music at Melbourne Thai Treatment Studio. Music is such an important part of receiving and giving a massage. As our body gets stimulated from the touch of the practitioner, music can tune in with the healing touch and create a different atmosphere. Said so, I never found it too hard to choose what […]

Massage History

Egyptian Massage History

Massage History. Massage history dates back many centuries ago. The association between touch and healing is longer than what you may expect. In fact, the history of massage goes back to 5000 years ago. As per the result of the first finding, the first appearance of massage as a healing technique is founded in India. […]

Thai Massage History and Benefit

Thai Massage History

The history of Thai Massage. As per the name, Thai Massage is a technique of bodywork that finds its origin in Thailand. The history of Thai Massage starts about 2500 years ago with Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha (Shivago Kompara ) a friend of the Buddha, who had a really wise knowledge about medicine. Still nowadays, along […]

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