Tag Archives: massage therapy

Barefoot shoes. It is just a trend?

Vivo barefoot wear

Barefoot shoes are now becoming more and more popular. One of the main reasons why this is happening, I believe is the spreading idea that having the feet, seated in a tight box all day, is not so beneficial. So, what can be beneficial about going around barefoot? Or having barefoot shoes? Well, the foot […]

Muscle VS Tendon

Muscle and Tendon are two types of fibres that connect bonds, allowing the joint to be moved by contracting or extending. Muscles and Tendons characteristics. A muscle consists of fibres of muscle cells covered by fascia, bundled with many more fibres, surrounded by thick protective tissue. So each muscle fibre is covered in the fascia, […]

Ice Pack

Ice pack

In a previous blog, we did talk about heat packs, now it is time to talk about the Ice Pack. Ice pack application, in the last few years, is a practice that got reviewed. What Ice Pack is about? An Ice pack, as the name says, is a cold (icy) bag. As better explained in […]

Muscle Tear

Muscle Tear

A muscle tear is an acute injury caused by a laceration of the muscle cells/fibres and or tendon to which the muscle is attached to. How can happen a muscle tear? A muscle tear happens when a muscle is weak and don’t activate at the right time. Weak muscles are common in repetitive movement or […]

Calf Muscles

Calf muscles make up the lower posterior portion of the leg. Calf Muscles are: 2 are the calf muscles, the Gastrocnemius and Soleus. Below is a table with Gastrocnemius and Soleus’s Origin, Insertion and Action. Gastrocnemius Origin The posterior surface of the lateral and medial condyle of the femurs Insertion Calcaneus via calcaneus tendon Action […]

Headache and Massage

SCM trigger point referal pattern

When experiencing pain around the head, we talk about Headaches. Headache is a common condition, and for most cases, is not considered a serious illness. Migraine and headache. 4.9 million Australians experience migraine. Migraine is a specific type of headache, so consider that the number stated above is still a small figure. Headache and muscle. […]

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a foot condition that can cause severe pain when walking or standing. Pain may be more intense in the morning when you step out of bed. If you ever had plantar fasciitis you will well know, that is not a fun thing to deal with. How to fix plantar fasciitis? In most […]

Knee Pain

Knee Anatomy Frontal View

Knee pain is a common presentation for clients of any range of age and gender. Knee pain indeed is a vast topic. So in this post, we are going to go through how to identify the reason why we can experience knee pain. For doing so we are going to look at some special testing, […]

Scap-Off Load

Scap Off Load Remedial Massage SetUp

A Scap-Off Load is a special test or functional test that we use to evaluate the implication of Lev Scapular and Up. Trap in Cercival Rotation. As previously mentioned, in cervical rotation, we got a fair bit of muscle working towards this action. As many clients come in with cervical pain, it’s time to explain […]

First Massage Appointment

Giovanni giving a Thai Massage as part of treatment plan to a client

First Massage Appointment. At Melbourne Thai Treatment, a first massage appointment session does last a bit longer than a regular appointment. Indeed, if you go on the booking page, you may notice that the first appointment lasted 75mins. Why so?! Well, within the first appointment, as a therapist my aim is to track down your […]