Tag Archives: MLD

Exercises Plantar Fasciitis

In the previous post, we did look into plantar fasciitis and we only mention the Corrective Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis. Indeed, we did get to the conclusion that Myotherapy, Remedial Massage and Thai massage can help in reducing muscle tensions, for those muscles which take part in the foot’s unbalance, and that MLD can help […]

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a foot condition that can cause severe pain when walking or standing. Pain may be more intense in the morning when you step out of bed. If you ever had plantar fasciitis you will well know, that is not a fun thing to deal with. How to fix plantar fasciitis? In most […]

Knee Pain

Knee Anatomy Frontal View

Knee pain is a common presentation for clients of any range of age and gender. Knee pain indeed is a vast topic. So in this post, we are going to go through how to identify the reason why we can experience knee pain. For doing so we are going to look at some special testing, […]

First Massage Appointment

Giovanni giving a Thai Massage as part of treatment plan to a client

First Massage Appointment. At Melbourne Thai Treatment, a first massage appointment session does last a bit longer than a regular appointment. Indeed, if you go on the booking page, you may notice that the first appointment lasted 75mins. Why so?! Well, within the first appointment, as a therapist my aim is to track down your […]

Bone Fracture and MLD

bone fracture

As already mentioned earlier MLD is a fantastic manual technique that can be used to improve the healing of many conditions. Along with the conditions that MLD is useful for there is bone fracture. Said so, in order to understand how MLD can help to speed up the recovery from a bone fracture we have […]

Tmj and MLD

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint is bilaterally located on the side of the human head. TMJ and Movement Upper Compartment Protrusion Retrusion Lower Compartment Lower the Jaw Raise the Jaw Lateral Deviation Said so: the opening is the combination of Protrusion plus Lowering the Jaw closing the mouth is Retrusion plus Raising the Jaw. TMJ and […]

Corrective Exercises VS Massage

corrective exercises fore arm

As Massage Therapist, I often see people who come in for treatment due to pain and discomfort. Indeed, I am more than happy to be that person who, by manual therapy, can alleviate others’ agony. Exercises post-treatment. At the end of the treatment, I tend to show the client a series of corrective exercises and, […]

Sunburn and MLD

Sunburn on back

MLD and Sunburn. As already mentioned earlier, MLD stands for Manual Lymphatic Drainage and is a great technique to treat sunburn. Indeed MLD is a technique that works with a gentle touch and has a multitude of benefits, including the healing from sunburn. Firstly, we analyse what sunburn is about. So, a sunburn is the […]

Water after a massage

Water after a massage. Have you ever noticed that after a massage you feel thirsty and depending on the treatment you may have an urgency to go to the toilet? Well, massages are diuretics, that’s why. Indeed, independently of the type of treatment that you receive, whether is MLD, Remedial Massage, or Thai Massage, the […]

Music and Massage

Fip logo music for massage

Massage and music at Melbourne Thai Treatment Studio. Music is such an important part of receiving and giving a massage. As our body gets stimulated from the touch of the practitioner, music can tune in with the healing touch and create a different atmosphere. Said so, I never found it too hard to choose what […]