Tag Archives: melbourne

Thai Massage History and Benefit

Thai Massage History

The history of Thai Massage. As per the name, Thai Massage is a technique of bodywork that finds its origin in Thailand. The history of Thai Massage starts about 2500 years ago with Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha (Shivago Kompara ) a friend of the Buddha, who had a really wise knowledge about medicine. Still nowadays, along […]

Rotator Cuff Muscles

Rotator Cuff Muscles

Rotator Cuff Muscles and Bursitis. What muscles are the rotator cuff muscles? And why are so important? What happens when the rotator cuff muscles are out of balance? What is Shoulder Bursitis? Firstly,  we look in too which 4 muscles are the rotator cuff muscles. Subscapularis Origin Subscapular fossa of scapula. Insertion Lesser tubercle of […]

Functional Test and Shoulder Pain

Empty can test, functional test

Functional test and the empty can test. What is a functional test? What is an empty can test and how does it work? Firstly, functional tests are used to test the strength or load capacity of a single muscle. Secondly, the importance of a functional test is due to avoid misinterpretation of the muscle status […]

Cervical Occipital Muscles

Cervical Occipital Muscles

Firstly the Cervical Occipital muscles are a group of muscles, that seat inferior to the skull and are bilateral to the first and second cervical vertebrae. Cervical Occipital muscles are responsible for 45° of rotation out of 90°. Along with these muscles we find: – Obliquus Capitis Inferior; Origin: Spinous process of Axis (C2) Insertion: […]

Thai Yoga Class

Self Thai Massage

Thai Yoga, is an exercise practice that would take you to a place of relaxation and better physical and mental well-being. As you may already read on the website page about Thai Yoga, this exercise aims to improve your mobility, motility, and body awareness. Those exercises are based on the principle of Thai Massage and […]



Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents. Firstly, let’s say that there are 2 main types of scoliosis: Functional and Structural. Indeed, Functional S. is a type of scoliosis due to a muscular unbalance in the body. The spine presents a curvature but no rotations. On the […]

Muscle Firing Pattern

walking beatles

Muscle Firing pattern Muscle firing pattern is the sequence in which muscle should get activated to complete an action or movement. Whenever we move a joint, is not just 1 muscle to do that action there are multiple numbers of muscles that allow the action to happen, and other multiple numbers of muscles counterbalance that […]

Lower Back Pain

lower back pain

Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is a condition which can deliver lots of stress and can affect our daily habits. It can be a terrible experience to live, as it can make many tasks difficult or impossible to take. Here below you will find a series of questions and answers in regard to my […]

Breathing Wave

breathing Wave

Breathing Wave In the previous post, we did talk about the benefit of breathing in by the nose and breathing out by the mouth. Well, now, I am going to talk about the Breathing Wave. The breathing wave as it sounds already is a technique of breathing that involved a wave moving along the body […]

The Importance of Breathing


The importance of breathing. As a massage therapist, I realise along with my studies and work-practice, that correct breathing is not something that many of us are aware of. Indeed, breathing is important to oxygenate our organs, muscle and all body parts and also, breathing is what would boost the healing process along a massage […]