Tag Archives: pain

Body Biomechanics

representation of Moment Arm and torque

Biomechanics is a branch of biophysics, and it studies the structure, function biomechanics is a branch of biophysics, and it studies the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems using mechanical methods.d motion of the mechanical parts of biological systems using mechanical methods. Why is Body Biomechanics important? The way we move is a crucial component of injury prevention. Ensuring we are moving using our advantage, forces like gravity and body weight can help us reduce the chance of injury and improve the load capacity. To do so, we must train with a specific protocol that ensures excellent mobility to achieve muscular strength. What is a force?  We can define a force as an influence that can change the motion of an object. Gravity is an acceleration that becomes a force when applied to a body. This concept was well explained by Netwon, with the announcement of Newton’s second law that can be summarised with F=m*a. F is the force, m is the mass, and a is acceleration. In the case of acceleration of gravity, it does measure 8.91 m/sec2. Said so, this means that we are constantly accelerated towards the ground. That’s why we don’t float in the air. And to better use this acceleration to our advantage, we have to move weight using the right angles. To better understand body biomechanics, we must introduce the idea of Moment Arm, Vector and Torque. What are Moment Arm Vector and Torque? And why are they essential for understanding human body biomechanics? The moment arm is the distance between the force and the joint that hold that force back. Think of yourself holding a water bottle up with your arm extended out. The joint holding up is your shoulder, the force is the combination of the bottle per the gravity a. (F=m*a). A Vector is the direction in which a force is applied. In this case, the direction is 90° downwards. Lastly, the Torque is the rapport between the Force and the Moment Arm. So, the shorter the moment arm, the easier it would be to lift an object. Understanding this concept would make your body biomechanics application much more accessible. Body biomechanics at the gym. When training at the gym, body biomechanics are fundamental. I often get clients in post-gym injury who don’t know much about mobility training, its importance, and body biomechanics. For example, keeping the weight so the bar is as close as possible to the leg is essential when doing a deadlift. This is because the weight has to be close to the Centre Of Gravity of the body, or the moment arm would be increased, so the torque required to lift the weight would increase too. In this case, the centre of gravity corresponds to the area where the actual torque is required, the lumbar area. Indeed, it is easy to hurt yourself on the lumbar when you bring that bar too far from your body. Body Biomechanic and Thai Massage Traditional Thai Massage, as offered at Melbourne Massage and treatment, tends to use the body biomechanics at its best. Even Thai Yoga exercises are based on the biomechanics principle, using lever and gravity as an advantage to create pressure on your body and reduce tension and heal aches. This, indeed, is what makes Traditional Thai Massage so unique. It is a technique of work where you don’t need great force, it is enough to use your body weight. And because it is delivered on a ground mat, it is easier to apply the biomechanics principles.          

I did my back

“I was lifting the box from the floor, and then, ouch I did my back”! How often have you heard this? What’s going on here? Lower back pain is a common presentation that affects many people all around the world. But hurting your back when picking a box, or even a lightweight as the key, or tightening the shoes, is an injury that doesn’t affect only those with lower back pain. So to explain the mechanism behind these incidents, we have to look into what we call “proprioceptors”, specifically “muscle spindle”. Proprioceptors are body receptors within the skin, muscles and joints that reveal information about the body’s movement and send this information to the brain. How that information is transmitted to the brain is by different types of a pathway that we will see in a future post. In specific, today, we are going to look at the “muscle spindle”. So muscle spindles are proprioceptors that can tell the brain how the body is moving, specifically a muscle, and a proprioceptor that can tell a muscle to relax and change to stretch. Indeed, muscle spindles are different from other proprioceptors, as they can alter their sensitivity as needed. What did Muscle Spindles have to do with my back then? As mentioned above, a muscle spindle can alter muscle consistency. So, when banding forward to pick up the key or do the shoes lase, the back muscle must relax, as they have to stretch. But, if the muscle spindle doesn’t tell the back muscle to relax as you bend, those muscles will stay contracted, and guess what happens next? “Ouch, I did my back.” How to prevent the injury then? To prevent an injury as such, movement is the answer. Movement, as simple as a cat and cow exercise, would create that feedback response between your lower back area and the brain that, in the long term, would ensure your brain knows that when bending, the posterior portion of the body needs to be told to relax. Said so simple movement can prevent the injury, but further exercises, like a deadlift, can help your entire posterior chain to get stronger and get you to the next level of strengthening. But before lifting heavy weights, let’s not forget the importance of looking into mobility. In conclusion, to prevent this injury from happening, start moving. Incorporate regular breaks from your seating at the desk. Have a timer on your desk that, every 45 minutes, remind you to stand up, have a stretch and short walk, a water sip and get back to work. Book your next massage session at Melbourne Massage and Treatment if this post talks to you. How can Massage help? Massage therapy can help in different ways. First, it can help reduce the muscular tension within the lower back area. Second, the massage touch can help increase that body awareness, preventing further injury. The recovery process from an injury does depend from person to person. But within a few sessions within 1 to 2 months, using a mix of techniques, like MLD, Myotherapy and or Thai Massage, there is a good chance of good recovery and injury prevention. Exercises play an important role too in this recovery phase. How Many Sessions would I need? As already mentioned, everyone is different. Based on my experience, to help someone recover from an injury, initially, it can take up to 5 sessions spread over two months to achieve a good result. And again, this is not only about Massage but also about corrective exercises. Therefore, I offer a treatment plan allowing you to uptake five sessions of any treatment type at a discount rate of 10%. This offer is valid for returning clients who already had an initial consultation. This would allow me, as a therapist, to ensure I am the right therapist for you and that we can create a treatment plan that works for you and that you can use for your benefit.  

What to expect from Melbourne Massage and Treatment

MLD hand

Here is a list of services available at Melbourne Massage and Treatment: Myotherapy Exercises Rehabilitation Remedial Massage Thai Massage MLD Thai Yoga What are these services about? First, any of those services are holistic services, so they can’t be official diagnoses for medical conditions, and Giovanni can’t prescribe any medications. What to expect is guidance on how muscularscaletol conditions, such as plantar fasciitis, tight muscle, muscle tear and more…can be looked after and overcome with manual therapy and exercises. As Myotherapist, Giovanni can guide you on how possibly the pain manifests and how with massage and specific exercises, the pain can be placed at ease. Part of the process of pain management is the change in habits. This can include posture at the workstation, but not only, but other changes can also include your training program, which maybe is too intense for your body and needs to be adjusted. How is the massage delivered? Any massage is delivered in total respect of the patient and the therapist. No nudity or sensual massage are available. Only the body area that needs attention would be exposed. The rest of the body is covered in a towel. Undress level is down to bra and underwear when need it. If we are working on your shoulder, there is no need to remove the pants. Regarding individual massage sessions, like myotherapy treatment, remedial massage, and/or Thai massage, an assessment of the muscular scale of the system would be delivered before the treatment. This assessment included a series of ROM. These assessments would help Giovanni understand what muscle or groups of muscles needs more attention during the treatment. What should I do before the massage session? Treatments such as myotherapy, remedial massage, and MLD include exposing the body parts that need to be worked on. Said so, having a shower before the treatment would be much appreciated. You don’t need to wear any perfume, a deodorant is enough. Should I shave? No, you don’t need to shave. If rock tape needs to be used, the rock tape can be placed over body hair. When you have to remove it, make sure to roll it downwards. Do not pull it off like it is a wax treatment. That could lead to ripping hair and skin off. Where does Giovanni work? Melbourne Massage and Treatment services are available at the Fitzroy North studio on Holden St. Book now your next appointment. If this post didn’t answer all your questions, don’t hesitate to message Giovanni through the Contact Page.

Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tenipothay

Achilles tendinopathy is a condition that manifests on the lower portion of the calf and is caused by overusing the muscle of this region, such as Gastrocnemius and or Soleus. Initially, you may not notice the issue, as it starts as a low-level inflammation and micro-tearing, but as the condition progresses, the damage and inflammation become more relevant. Achilles Tendinopathy can be easy to treat and manage when treatment is delivered in the early stages. If the injury is not looked after, the occurring damage could be much harder to resolve. Symptoms Most commonly, people experience pain in the morning or when the muscle is still cold. As the day progress and you start moving around, the pain may dissipate, and you start feeling better, ignoring the danger. Occasionally, the area would present swollen and or tender at the touch. Treatment options for Achilles Tendinopathy The management of this condition starts by improving the rest time and time off from sports activities, such as: Running Soccer Any sport which includes jumping or being on feet Other helpful approaches include: Heat pack Dry needling Improving Ankle and Big toes the mobility Massage Therapy ­ Rock taping Achilles tendinopathies are not a condition that will heal on its own. As mentioned, it will feel better with rest, but as soon extra activities are played, the pain can back as strong as. Remedial Massage and or Myotherapy treatment can help target the painful area, stimulate an immune system response, and help with the recovery process. Also, along with the hands-on deep tissue work, mobilisation is a great way to reduce the tension in the ankle joint and improve the muscles’ functionality. After treatment, Giovanni will give you some exercises to take home. Those exercises would keep the area tension free, improve the joining mobility and strengthen the area.


Fibromyalgia is a health condition that causes widespread pain and sensitivity to touch. This type of condition is more common in women than in men. Is still unknown to science why some people may suffer from Fibromyalgia, even though is known that stress can play a major role. On the other hand, genetics can also be the reason why someone can suffer from Fibromyalgia. Signs and symptoms Symptoms of fibromyalgia may include: headaches sleep disturbances numbness and tingling of the hands and feet muscle and joint stiffness after a period of rest (after sleeping) restlesconditionsndrome Other conditions could occur during the manifestation of symptoms for FiTo Diagnosis of fibromyalgia To be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia you have to visit your GP at first, who may will refer you to a specialist. The most widely used clinical criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia is sourced from the American College of Rheumatology: pain and symptoms over the past week, based on the total of: number of painful areas out of 18 parts of the body the severity of these symptoms: fatigue waking unrefreshed cognitive problems (that can be memory or thought) plus other general physical symptoms symptoms lasting at least 3 months unchanged exclusion of other health problems that could reproduce the pain and other symptoms. Treatment and management So, currently, there is no direct cure for fibromyalgia, but there are many treatments that can help, like: improving your sleep routine more of a balanced diet relaxation meditation exercise MLD You can also talk to your GP to see what medications can reduce or manage the pain. Regarding MLD, it is an effective technique, as already disgusted in another blog post that can help with chronic pain management. Furthermore, MLD has a powerful relaxation effect, that can help in reducing the stress response and so alleviate the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Are you in need of treatment? Follow this link to book your next massage session.

Patella Tracking Disorder

Knee Pain

Patellar tracking disorder is a condition that occurs when the patella, also known as the kneecap, moves out of its original place when the leg straightens or bends. What causes Patella Tracking Disorder? In most cases, the kneecap shifts towards the outside of your leg, called “Lateral Patella tracking”. Occasionally in some cases, it may shift toward the medial side too. Why this shift happens due to the force applied to the kneecap itself. It was said that the knee joint is a hinge joint, which connects the tibia and fibula of your leg with the femur. The kneecap is held in its natural position by ligaments on the medial and lateral sides and by tendons on the top side. Below the patella is a cartilage layer that helps the patella glide along the femur’s groove. When the cartilage below the patella does wear out, it can create pain and discomfort in the knee. The misalignment of the patella results from tendons, muscles or ligaments that are either too tight or too loose. Lateral patella tracking VS Medial patella Tracking In the case of Lateral Patella Tracking, the Vastus Lateralist is over-developed compared to the Vastus Medialis or the IT Band (Iliotibial Band) pulling too much. Vastus L. can overtake Vastus M’s strengthening due to the muscle size. Indeed the V.L. is visibly bigger than the V. M. On the other hand, tension along Gluteus Max and or tensions in the TFL can play a role in the pulling of the IT band.   Are you in Pain, and you suspect to have a Patella Tracking disorder? Get in touch with Giovanni now. Risk factors for Patella Tracking Disorder Here is a list of reasons that can lead to Patella Tracking Disorder: Footwear Running Weakness in the quads muscle Unbalance of muscle between the inner and outer regions of your tight Sports that require excessive knee bending, jumping or squatting Improper form or techniques while working out or during sports activities Overweight Genetics (structural reasons) Incidents or trauma to the knees Malformation within the femur bond Damaged cartilage Symptoms Pain is the most symptom of Patella tracking disorder. The pain caused by this condition can occur during regular activity such as standing up, walking and or sitting down. Any knee movement can recreate the pain. In the case of arthritis, the pain can be more intense, and swelling is present at the knee joint. Treatment Options At Melbourne Massage and Treatment, the services available for Patella tracking are multiple. Depending on the severity of the condition, Myotherapy treatment and or MLD are the most recommended. Thanks to Dry Needling and/or Joint Mobilisation therapy, Myotherapy treatment can help rebalance the muscle forces surrounding the knee cap. On the other hand, MLD can help in reducing the inflammation and the swelling present eventually on the knee joint. What then Giovanni would look in, too, is also the mobility of ankles and hips. The correct mobility of these two joints would ensure that the knee is not compensating for the poor joint quality of movement, which can be part of why the patella tracking disorder is in the first place.  

Nervous System

nervous system components

The Nervous System (NS) controls the voluntary and automatic functions of the body. It is made up of: brain spinal cord nerves Subdivision of the Nervous System The nervous system, initially, can be divided into the Central Nervous system (CNS), which is made of the Brain and Spinal Cord and the Perhiperic Nervous System (PNS), which consists of nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body. In more detail, the PNS can be divided into Sensory Neurons and Motor Neurons, the Motor Neurons can be divided into Somatic Neurons and Autonomic Neurons, and finally, this last is divided into the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems. The function of the Nervous System The nervous system can also be defined by its functionality. For this subdivision, we have three categories: Sensory Affarent function Integrative function Motor Efferent Function The afferent function is characterised by a signal that travels to the brain from the PNS. The integrative part analyses the sensory information, stores some aspects, and makes decisions regarding appropriate behaviours. The Motor does respond to the stimulus by initiating an action. The Nervous System is made of Neurons. Neurons carry messages to and from different parts of the body. To be functional, neurons need three components: Oxygen Stimulation Food Neurons can start within the brain and travel down to the spine or can begin with the peripheric portion of the body and travel to the spine and brain next. Either way, the information can travel in one direction only. For afferent neurons, the direction is from the peripheric body portion to the brain, and the efferent is from the CNS or Brain to the peripheric part. Synapses connect neurons. The Synapse is the space where information is exchanged between two neurons. For a signal to be transmitted along a neuron, a chemical reaction has to happen within the neuron cell. This chemical reaction is better known as Action Potential. Once an Action Potential is started, an electric signal, within the order of mV would be transmitted from the Neuron cell to the opposite end, called Axon Terminal. At The Axon Terminal, the neurotransmitter would be passed and sent to the next neuron, receiving those substances through the receptors on its cell membrane. This is just a simplification of how communication between two neurons happens. In reality, there are variations to this communication methodology, and not always does the communication succeed. The NS is responsible for the following: memory, learning and intelligence movement controls the organs’ functions: – heart beating – breathing – digestion – sweating the senses: – sight – hear – taste – touch – smell The Sympathetic and Para-Sympathetic NS. The  Autonomic NS controls the body parts we don’t have to think about it, like breathing, sweating or shivering, indeed the main organs. The SNS controls how we respond to emergencies. It makes our heart beat faster and causes the release of adrenaline. Where the parasympathetic nervous system prepares the body for rest (for example, when we go to sleep). The PSNS and the SNS work together to manage the body’s responses to our changing environment and needs. Massage and Nervous System As massage or manual therapy is a direct stimulus of the body, it plays a role in the response of the NS. What can happen is due to genetic factors, muscle tensions, and bulge disk nerves can get trapped along the way. Using the different testing approaches, such as Myotome and Dermatome, Giovanni can guide you through understanding where the nerve got entrapped or pinched. But this type of work is mainly for conditions where physically the nerve is involved in pour functionality. An example can be when someone has poor strength, on one hand, compared to the other, or when the sensitivity of a patch of skin is not so accurate. MLD and Nervous System Another technique, such as MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage), plays a role in the Parasympathetic Nervous System. An MLD treatment is profoundly relaxing, as it calms the nervous system, reduces pain and restores balance. This happens because of the mechanic repetitive movement used during the technique. There for, no pain has to be replicated during the treatment, or the SNS gets activated, as per pain response, and the body goes into “alarm” mode. Physical or mental pathologies can play a crucial role in the functionality of the nervous system, and techniques like MLD or Massage therapy generally can help in reducing symptoms and assisting in overcoming pain and body dysfunctions. Along the mental conditions, we find Anxiety or Depression too. In conclusion, any Massage Therapy or Manual Therapy, including Thai Massage, Remedial Massage, MLD and or Myotherapy, are great tools to release the tension in the body and improve the status of the nervous system. On the other hand, breathing, as per already disgust in the breathing wave blogs (Blog 1, Blog 2) plays a vital role in the well-being of the body, mind and nervous system. Feel stressed and need to release some tension? Book now your next massage at Melbourne Massage and Treatment.        

Frozen Shoulder

Normal and Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is also known as per the name “adhesive capsulitis”. A frozen shoulder as per the name is a shoulder that would barely move. Both signs and symptoms typically begin slowly and then get worse. Recovery time is subjective. Causes and Symptoms of frozen shoulder. Causes A common cause of a Frozen Shoulder is having to keep a shoulder still for an extended period, like after an accident. Even if it is not clear yet why there are also psychosomatic reasons why a shoulder can get frozen. Another reason why a shoulder could get to freeze is traumatic events, such as a high level of stress or a physical accident. On the physical level, what happen is that connective tissues that surround the shoulder joint, like a capsule, thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, and by doing so, it does restrict the joint’s movement. Symptoms Frozen Shoulder symptoms developed in 3 different stages. The stage’s timing is subjective. Freezing stage Shoulder range of motion starts decreasing, and pain shows up/increases. Frozen stage The Shoulder would freeze up. The movement is minimal, even though it is less painful. Thawing stage In this stage, the range of motions are slowly coming back Pain can be worst at night. This may happen because of the sleeping position or because the sensory feeling is more acute at night than in the daytime when the body perceives more sensations. Suffering from Frozen Shoulder and need some help. Book now an MLD treatment at Melbourne Massage and Treatment. Risk factors for Frozen Shoulder Age and gender Women are more luckily to suffer from this condition. Also, age plays a crucial role in this type of pathology. People 40 and over are luckier indeed to develop F.S. Systemic diseases Here is a list of specific conditions that can increase the possibility of suffering from F.S.: Diabetes Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) Cardiovascular disease Parkinson’s disease Prevention There are not many preventive factors when it gets to F.S. This is because the main cause of F.S. is holding the shoulder back from doing movements, due to a previous injury, most of the time. What can help, and this is how Melbourne Massage and Treatment services come in handy is to do MLD sessions on the area surrounding the injury. How MLD can help by stimulating the lymphatic system work and boosting the recovery process. Also, MLD would help in reducing inflammation. Other massage technique such as Myotherapy or Remedial Massage and or Thai Massage, is not as effective for this type of condition. Another successful method that can help once Frozen Shoulder is already developed is by using Hydrodilatation. This methodology consists in injecting sterile water into the joint capsule to stretch the open space and bring the shoulder back to its ROM.

Sitting on the floor

Seating Sqout

Sitting on the floor is the new mobility movement. Sitting at the desk and sitting on the floor. Working in the office is a challenging task for the body, and in the last few years, something made this task even worst. Covid-19 forced millions of people worldwide to work from home. Consequently, many people reduce their daily movement activity and start increasing their stress response to work and everyday life. But what does covid-19 have to do with seating on the floor, you may ask yourself? Well, for convenience, and other rules, such as hygiene too, we nowadays spend most of our time sitting on chairs. At least within Western cultural settings. Asian Squat But as we all know, floor seating is an ancient practice in the East side of the world. In our collective mind, we all can refer to Asian people squatting anywhere they can, and with not much problem. In the West, squatting is associated with going to the gym, training, and being sporty. It is funny, isn’t it?! So, that’s where covid-19 is linked to seating on the floor. I am working from home and sitting on the floor. Due to the covid pandemic, many people have started working from home. But the home ergonomics for office work differ from those in the office. In addition to this, we have to add that as big and comfortable as a chair can be, it is always a chair. Indeed, the chair is a silent killer. Sitting on a chair limits our ability to move around as discomfort arises. Think now about sitting on the floor and standing back up. For the average adult, doing this task is not a comfortable thing. Why so? Well, because we are not used to it. All this year, sitting on a chair did reduce our body adaptability to the ground sitting. Sitting on a chair for long hours would: stiff up the hips, which are in constant flexion increase pressure on the Lumbar back arch the thoracic area, with an increase in kyphosis reduce the necessity for mobility In fact, within 20 minutes of no movement, a muscle would adapt to the shape it is sitting into. On the other hand, as the muscle starts losing its neuroplasticity, the joints controlled by those muscles would start stiffening up too. This is such a domino effect that it would break the equilibrium along the stability/mobility joints chain. How to prevent this? Well, sitting on the floor is a good start. Sitting on the floor comes with the benefits of more mobility options. As we may feel uncomfortable with the sitting position, changing position would be a spontaneous and comfortable act once on the floor. But as we are so used to sitting on chairs, starting sitting on the floor for 8 hours a day can be challenging. So, rather than sitting on a chair all day, initially switching between floor sitting, chair and standing up is good. This process would allow the body to slowly break the bad habit of rounding onto the desk from the stiff chair seating. Also, the body is not designed to either sit on a chair or stand up for so long for so many days. So the habit of changing position would improve mobility, and with it, many other things would come down to and ease. In conclusion, to improve the Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) presentation of someone who spends long hours sitting at a desk, the steps to take are: reduce the symptoms of pain and discomfort in the Cx area start losing up the thoracic area Improving hip mobility allows the person to spend more time on the floor. The work that needs to be done within the thoracic area is to lose the vertebrae by doing some mobs and reducing tension on the lat dorsi muscle. In this next post, we will look into the following: How to sit on the floor and how to stand back up Exercises that can help to improve the floor seating time. Would you like to improve your mobility? Book Now a Thai yoga class with Giovanni or a Massage session to learn more about what can help you.

Mobility Joint, Stability Joint, Strenghening

Joint Mobility

Mobility is the degree to which a joint can move before being restricted by surrounding tissues. Not all the joints taught are considered mobility joints. The Mobility and Motility Joints Theory Starting from the big toes joint and moving up the body to the upper cervical joints, we can count one by one a mobility joint alternating with a stability joint. So this would be like this: Big toes – M. Metatarsal – S Ankle -M Knee – S Hip – M Lumbar -S Toracic – M Lower Cervical – S Upper Cervical – M Shoulder – M Elbow – S Wrist – M Tarsal – S Fingers – M The major differences are: A Muscular structure surrounds mobility joints Stability joints are surrounded by ligaments and tendons Mobility joints move in more planes than stable ones. The stability joints, indeed are essential to the body mechanics to ensure that gravity and force applied to the body by its own weight are well distributed. First thing first. Now, if we plan to strengthen our body, like by going to the gym, running or doing any sports activity, ideally we would like to ensure that the mobile joints can deliver the minimum required of ROM. Why? Well, if the mobility joints are stiff or not mobile enough, the priority of moving would not diminish and the stability joints, are going to do their best to compensate. But let’s see this with an example. Mark (name of fantasy) who is an office worker, spends about 40 hours a week at his desk, and to reduce the work and life stress decided to start a routine run 3 to 4 times a week for 1 hour per time. Mark thinks that to go for a run, you don’t need training and has no clue about the mobility, stability and strengthening chain. After a few weeks that is enjoying his new routine, Mark start experiencing knee pain. Mark also didn’t realise that due to the long hours of sitting at the office, his hips joint are tight, and his external rotators, such as the gluteus max and piriformis, are tight. As per consequence, when Mark stands up, the angle of the gate (AOG), which refers to the rotation of the foot in a standing position, is up to 4 toes per side. (3 toes is the max AOG we expect in the foot). Now, what happens next is that when Mark goes running, his ankle mobility and hip mobility are visibly restricted. So, he will lean forward with the upper body, by having tight hips, and strike the floor with the feet externally rotated, so all the body weight will be loaded in the middle of the foot. As a result, the Stability Joint that sits between the ankle and hip, so the knee, will compensate for the other two joint dysfunctions. In this case, the knees would take extra pressure medially and stretch out laterally. So, what should Mark do?! Well, initially, to stop the pain from happening, stopping running would be a good idea. Said so, that would not fix the problem. What Mark should do, is: Massage to boost the change within the tight joints and reduce the knee pain Start a mobility program to improve the Hip and Ankle functionality Exercises that aim to reduce tension in the external rotator reinforce the internal rotator (Gluteus Med and Min) Train on how to run These are the basic steps to implement a model of Mobility, Stability, and Strengthening. Does this model apply to other sports activities? Of course, it does. Visualise your body as a giant mechanical machine made of rope and hinges. The mechanical result will not be ideal if the hinges are stiff and the ropes are tight. To improve the result, each component needs to be looked after. So what message would be the most recommended? Along with Melbourne Massage and Treatment services, Thai Massage, Remedial Massage, and Myotherapy are soon the most recommended services Giovanni offers to improve the body’s mobility. Regarding mobility training, Thai Yoga is also an effective way to improve joint mobility, as these exercises focus primarily on improving joint mobility. What there is to consider is the patient’s presentation, medical history and pre-existent injuries. If there are no significant concerns, I suggest Thai Massage as the best approach.  For people who have presentations such as Diabetes n1 or hypertension, Myotherapy treatment or Remedial Massage is mainly recommended.    

Arm Lymphoedema Quiz

Based on the original document - Piller,NB (2006) Lymphoedema Research unit Department of surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia,  5042 (Adapted and reprinted with permission). This guide is designed as an educational aid-based primary on experience, no evidence in literature.

1. More than 10 nodes removed from armpit
2. Radiotherapy to armpit area
3. More than 2 infections (redness) in the limb per year
4. Whole of Breast Removed (Mastectomy)
5. More than 2 but less than 10 nodes removed from armpit
6. Radiotherapy to chest/breast area
7. Fluids drained from wound more than 1 week
8. Infection at the wound site
9. One infection (redness) in the limb per year
10. Heaviness, tightness or tension in the limb at times
11. Frequent cuts/scratches to the limb
12. Dry skin
13. Part of Breast removed
14. 1 or 2 nodes removed from armpit
15. Limb feels different as the day progresses


16. Body weight is very high (obese)
17. Surgery was on side of dominant hand
18. Generally experience high stress levels
19. Generally have high non-controlled blood pressure
20. Body weight is a little high (overweight)
21. Frequent long distance air traveler
22. Previous or current other injuries to limb/shoulder
23. Thyroid gland activity is not normal and not medicated
24. “At risk” limb is used for repetitive actions
25. Often carry heavy loads for long periods using “at risk” arm
26 Smoking is currently part of my life
27. Swelling was present in limb prior to surgery

What to do now?

  • If you are at LOW RISK, then you will benefit from a range of appropriate educational literature that may be able to even further reduce the risk of developing lymphoedema.

  • If you are at MODERATE or HIGH RISK, then the educational materials will also benefit you. Ideally, if you are in these categories, you should have a non-invasive assessment (Bio-impedance spectroscopy or Tissue Dielectric Constants) to determine if there are already some fluid accumulations in your "risk" limb.

Independently of your level of risk, Giovanni offers 15-minute Online Consultation to better guide you on how to manage this presentation, or prevent any degeneration.

Book your free 15-minutes online consultation now.

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Lipedema Quiz

This is not a diagnostic tool but only a guide.
To learn more about the Lipedema presentation, contact Giovanni by sending the result, or booking a free 15-minute online consultation. Be sure to include your full name and email address in the form below (At the end of the quiz).

If you prefer to contact Giovanni anonymously, call with a private number at 0449790781.

Texture of fatty tissue may feel granular and/orfibrotic
Symmetrical, disproportionate accumulation of fatty tissue (refer to picture on the Lipedema page)
The waist may be small in proportion to thighs, buttocks, and legs
Cuffs or bulges may develop around joints (e.g. ankles, knees, elbows, wrists). Feet remainunaffected unless lymphoedema is a comorbidity
Legs are often hypersensitive to touch and pressureand may feel cold
Affected areas may bruise easily with minimaltrauma
Patients describe affected areas as sore, painful, heavy, swollen and tired
Symptoms can worsen in hot weather, during orafter exercise, standing or sitting for long periods
Fat pads, which can be tender or painful, accumulate on the upper outer thighs, inner thighs, and around the knee area, can cause abnormal gait,and contribute to joint pain
Filling of the retromalleolar sulcus
Soft, thin skin with loss of elasticity. Skin can havea lumpy appearance.
Non-pitting oedema and negative Stemmer’s sign on feet and hands in the absence of coexisting lymphoedemaPitting oedema is when by appling pressure to the area with a finger, for more than 60 seconds, you get left an indentation in the skin.
Difficulty losing weight from affected areas despite exercise, modified diet or bariatric surgery. If well-directed, these measures may help reduceinflammation and co-existing obesity if present
Abnormal nerve sensations
Pain on blood pressure check (larger cuff may berequired)
Relatives with similar body shape or fat distribution

Out of 17 questions, the number above, tells you how many symptoms applies to you. The more symptoms, the more luckily you are suffering from a Lipedema presentation. Get in touch with Giovanni now, via the form below, for further understanding on how to manage Lipedema presentation.

Reference list

This quiz is a reproduction of a flyer from the association Lipoedema Australia.
The reference list is Adapted from 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13,14[1] , 16, 18 and available here (PDF).

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Leg Lymphoedema Quiz

Based on the original document - Piller,NB (2006) Lymphoedema Research unit Department of surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia,  5042 (Adapted and reprinted with permission). This guide is designed as an educational aid-based primary on experience, no evidence in literature.

1. More than 10 nodes removed from the groin
2. Radiotherapy to the groin/pelvic area
3. Average of more than 2 infections (cellulitis) in the limb per year
4. Dry or scaly skin on lower legs/feet
5. More than 2 but less than 10 nodes removed from groin
6. Fluids drained from wound more than 1 week
7. Infection at the wound site after surgery
8. Average of one infection (cellulitis) in the limb per year
9. Frequent cuts/scratches to the limb
10. 1 or 2 nodes removed from the groin
11. Heaviness, tightness or tension in the limb at times
12. Limb feels worse as the day progresses


13. Family history of leg swelling
14. Frequent long distance air/bus/car traveler
15. Previous or current other injuries to legs, ankles or feet
16. Limb is most often in a dependant position (standing)
17. Generally experience high stress levels
18. Generally have high blood pressure
19. Thyroid gland activity is not normal and not medicated
20. Diabetic but controlled by diet or medication
21. Diabetic uncontrolled
22. Some varicose veins or spider veins
23. Many varicose veins or spider veins
24. Prior varicose vein stripping and scars
25. Smoking is currently part of my life
26. Body weight is a little high (overweight)
27. Body weight is very high (obese)
28. Diet is rich in animal (omega 6) fats
29. Swelling was present in limb prior to surgery/radiotherapy

What to do now?

  • If you are at LOW RISK, then you will benefit from a range of appropriate educational literature that may be able to even further reduce the risk of developing lymphoedema.

  • If you are at MODERATE or HIGH RISK, then the educational materials will also benefit you. Ideally, if you are in these categories, you should have a non-invasive assessment (Bio-impedance spectroscopy or Tissue Dielectric Constants) to determine if there are already some fluid accumulations in your "risk" limb.

Independently of your level of risk, Giovanni offers 15-minute Online Consultation to better guide you on how to manage this presentation, or prevent any degeneration.

Book your free 15-minutes online consultation now.

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